
The versatile guitarist Jörg Lehnardt, who studied in Holland, is not only lecturing guitar at the University of Music and Dance Cologne, but also highly sought after as a studio and live musician. He currently plays and plans the European tour with the groove-jazz band “Nighthawks“ – whose latest album „Rio Bravo“ was published in February 2014 –, but also can be heard on the new CD of “SYPH“ , a German punk band from the first hour. In addition, Jörg is planning a solo album this year. He has done concerts and CDs with Han Bennink, Bots, Michiel Braam, Blowbeat, Billy Bang, Kazda, First Move, Dewa 19, Paul van Kemenade, Hans Dulfer, Jazz Pool NRW, Ali Askin, Kumo and many others.

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