
Lead bass player Julian Vaughn hails from Kansas City. He grew up in the church where his grandfather pastored until turning over the reins to Vaughn’s father. Like other kids at the church, Julian began his music career playing the drums, but as years went by the fight over the drums got old. At 15, he decided to try a different instrument. He picked up a bass guitar that another man in the church was playing and immediately fell in love. Having the ability to play by ear, Julian taught himself how to play and discovered the art of bass soloing. As an artist, he debuted on the scene in 2010 with his CD “The Purpose Project”. Meanwhile, he has not only been touring over the U.S. but also abroad playing at some of the largest jazz festivals. He is becoming a major player in the contemporary jazz genre, trying to redefine the lead bassist role in the sax dominated smooth jazz scene. Although the bass is often associated with funk, the dynamic giant (Julian stands 6’7’’ tall) likes to play with more of a finesse style as well as some funk.


Listen to Julian Vaughn on YouTube.de:

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